Product Overview:
GAT Sport Essentials Omega-3 Purified Fish Oil.
1250mg Fish Oil.
Shown to impact the health and performance of athletes in numerous ways, including heart health, the management of inflammation, enhancement of muscle recovery, and protection of brain health and function.
Due to inadequate intake and beneficial health promoting effects of EPA & DHA, athletes might wish to add a supplement to their daily regime to experience the many positive effects like controlling inflammation, maintaining muscle mass after injury and improving training adaption.
GAT Sport OMEGA-3: Purified Fish Oil
Purified to eliminate heavy metals, GAT Sport OMEGA-3 delivers 800mg of Omega-3 fatty acids. It is well known that Omega-3s are great for heart health for everyone. But for competitive athletes, the benefits of Omega-3s go so much further. Omega-3 boost overall health, reduce inflammation and offer performance-enhancing benefits for athletes.